S.NO | Content |
1 | Introduction |
2 | SMPP |
3 | HTTP |
3.1 | Message Submission & Scheduling |
3.2 | Status Enquiry |
3.3 | Balance Enquiry |
3.4 | Coverage Download |
3.5 | Web DLR |
3.6 | DlrReport(XLSX) |
3.7 | Remove Schedule |
4 | JSON |
5 | XML |
6 | Status Code |
This document provides SMPP specification including connection to advance messaging systems server, bind options and specification for sending sms over SMPP. This document also provides HTTP API used to sending SMS, collecting delivery reports along with HTTP API specification.
The Short Message Peer-to-Peer (SMPP) is a protocol used by the telecommunications industry for exchanging SMS messages between Short Message Service Centers (SMSC) and External Short Messaging Entities (ESME). The protocol is a level-7 TCP/IP protocol, which allows fast delivery of SMS messages.
The connection between application and AMS SMPP Server is SMPP version 3.4
BIND Operation: The purpose of the SMPP bind operation is to register an instance of an ESME with the SMSC system and request an SMPP session over this network connection for the submission or delivery of messages. Thus, the Bind operation may be viewed as a form of SMSC login request to authenticate the ESME entity wishing to establish a connection.
BIND Mode: User may bind as either Tx (Transmitter), Rx (Receiver) or TRx (Transceiver).
Tx: User bound as a Transmitter is authorized to send short messages and to receive the corresponding SMPP responses.
Rx: User bound as a Receiver is authorized to receive short messages and to return the corresponding SMPP message responses.
TRx: User bound as a Transceiver is allowed to send & receive messages over a single SMPP session.
*Users are allowed to bound as only 1 TRx/Rx with multiple Tx Session.
Request Parameters:
Name | Description |
System id | Provided System Id |
Password | Provided Password |
IP | |
Port | 8899 |
System type | Null |
SMPP Status Codes:
Name | Value | Description |
ESME_ROK | 0x00000000 | No Error |
ESME_RINVMSGLEN | 0x00000001 | Invalid Message Length |
ESME_RINVCMDLEN | 0x00000002 | Invalid Command length |
ESME_RINVCMDID | 0x00000003 | Invalid/Unsupported Command ID |
ESME_RINVBNDSTS | 0x00000004 | Incorrect bind status |
ESME_RALYBND | 0x00000005 | Already bound |
ESME_RINVPRTFLG | 0x00000006 | Invalid Priority Flag |
ESME_RINVREGDLVFLG | 0x00000007 | Invalid Registered Delivery Flag |
ESME_RSYSERR | 0x00000008 | System Error |
ESME_RINVSRCADR | 0x0000000A | Invalid source address |
ESME_RINVDSTADR | 0x0000000B | Invalid destination address |
ESME_RINVMSGID | 0x0000000C | Message ID is invalid |
ESME_RBINDFAIL | 0x0000000D | Bind failed |
ESME_RINVPASWD | 0x0000000E | Invalid password |
ESME_RINVSYSID | 0x0000000F | Invalid System ID |
ESME_RCOVERR | 0x00000012 | No Coverage For Requested Destination |
ESME_RREPLACEFAIL | 0x00000013 | Message replacement failed |
ESME_RMSGQFUL | 0x00000014 | Message queue full |
ESME_RINVSERTYP | 0x00000015 | Invalid service type |
ESME_RINVADR | 0x00000022 | Invalid Address |
ESME_RPARAMRETFAIL | 0x00000031 | Parameter Retrieve Failed |
ESME_RINVPARAM | 0x00000032 | Invalid Parameter |
ESME_RINVNUMDESTS | 0x00000033 | Invalid number of destinations |
ESME_RINVDESTFLAG | 0x00000040 | Invalid destination flag |
ESME_RINVBALANCE | 0x0000040B | Insufficient Balance |
ESME_RINVSUBREP | 0x00000042 | Invalid Submit Replace |
ESME_RINVESMCLASS | 0x00000043 | Invalid ESM class |
ESME_RCNTSUBDL | 0x00000044 | Cannot Submit to Distribution List |
ESME_RSUBMITFAIL | 0x00000045 | Failed To Submit |
ESME_RINVSRCTON | 0x00000048 | Invalid Source Address TON |
ESME_RINVSRCNPI | 0x00000049 | Invalid Source Address NPI |
ESME_RINVDSTTON | 0x00000050 | Invalid Destination Address TON |
ESME_RINVDSTNPI | 0x00000051 | Invalid Destination Address NPI |
ESME_RINVSYSTYP | 0x00000053 | Invalid system type |
ESME_RINVREPFLAG | 0x00000054 | Invalid replace_if_present flag |
ESME_RINVNUMMSGS | 0x00000055 | Invalid number of messages |
ESME_RTHROTTLED | 0x00000058 | Throttling error |
ESME_RPROVNOTALLWD | 0x00000059 | Provisioning Not Allowed |
ESME_RINVSCHED | 0x00000061 | Invalid scheduled delivery time |
ESME_RINVEXPIRY | 0x00000062 | Invalid Validity Period value |
ESME_RX_T_APPN | 0x00000064 | ESME Receiver temporary error |
ESME_RX_P_APPN | 0x00000065 | ESME Receiver permanent error |
ESME_RX_R_APPN | 0x00000066 | ESME Receiver reject message error |
ESME_RQUERYFAIL | 0x00000067 | Message query request failed |
ESME_RINVMDTLEN | 0x0000008D | Message delivery time Length Invalid |
ESME_RINVREGDELLEN | 0x00000093 | Registered Delivery Lenght Invalid |
ESME_RINVREGDEL | 0x0000009C | Registered Delivery Invalid |
ESME_RUNKNOWNERR | 0x000000FF | Unknown error |
ESME_LAST_ERROR | 0x0000012C | Last error code |
The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application-level protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems. This is the foundation for data communication for the World Wide Web (i.e. internet)
HTTP is a generic and stateless protocol which can be used for other purposes as well using extensions of its request methods, error codes, and headers. This document provides developers with instructions for integrating SMS messaging services into various solutions using HTTP API.>
This HTTP API can be used in sending SMS, collecting delivery reports along with HTTP API specification .This document also provide SMPP specification including connection to advance messaging systems server, bind options and specification for sending sms over SMPP
Users can Use Following Services via HTTP API:
- Message Submission & Scheduling
- Status Enquiry
- Balance Enquiry
- Coverage Download
3.1-Message Submission & Scheduling
HTTP API supports both GET and POST Methods. Using GET Method limit of up to 100 numbers is allowed in a single request. For POST Method limit of up to 10000 numbers is allowed in a single request.
URL for Message Submission:
https://tawasolsms.com:8582/websmpp/websms? user=xxxx&pass=xx&sid=xxxxx&mno=966xxxxx&type=x&text=xxx
https://tawasolsms.com:8582/websmpp/websms? accesskey=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx &sid=xxxxx&mno=966xxxxx&type=x&text=xxx
If Response Required in JSON Format:
https://tawasolsms.com:8582/websmpp/websms? user=xxxx&pass=xx&sid=xxxxx&mno=966xxxxx&type=x&text=xxx&respformat=json
URL for Message Scheduling:
https://tawasolsms.com:8582/websmpp/websms? user=xxxx&pass=xx&sid=xxxxx&mno=966xxxxx&type=x&text=xxx &gmt=xxxxx&schtime=xxxxxxxxxxxx
Using configured group of address book:
https://tawasolsms.com:8582/websmpp/websms/groupsms? user=xxxx&pass=xx&sid=xxxxx&group=GR1&limit=100&type=x&text=xxx
Requested Parameters (mandatory):
Name | Description |
user | Provided System Id |
pass | Provided Password |
accesskey | Can be used instead of user & pass |
sid | Source Number (Numeric/Alphanumric) |
mno/group | Destination Number/Group or Comma separated Destination Numbers (Including Country Code)/Groups |
type | Message Type (1,2,3,4) |
text | Message Content |
Optional Parameters (Scheduling):
Name | Description |
gmt | GMT i.e. +0530 |
schtime | Schedule time (yyyyMMddhhmm) |
limit | Destination number limit per group |
resp | ScheduleId Required (true/false) |
Optional Parameters (others):
Name | Value | Description |
respformat | json | If response required in json format |
Message Type & Length:
Name | Message Type | Length (1 SMS) |
1 | English | 160 |
2 | Unicode | 280 |
3 | Special Character | 160 |
4 | Arabic | 70 |
- English Message:
https://tawasolsms.com:8582/websmpp/websms? user=testUser&pass=12345&sid=Test&mno=966xxxxx&type=1 &text=testing English message
- Unicode Message:
https://tawasolsms.com:8582/websmpp/websms? user=testUser&pass=12345&sid=Test&mno=966xxxxx&type=2 &text= 00740065007300740069006E006700200075006E006 90063006F006400650020006D006500730073006100670065
- Special Character Message:
https://tawasolsms.com:8582/websmpp/websms? user=testUser&pass=12345&sid=Test&mno=966xxxxx&type=3 &text=testing $@ Character
- Arabic:
https://tawasolsms.com:8582/websmpp/websms? user=testUser&pass=12345&sid=Test&mno=966xxxxx&type=4 &text= اختبار رسالة عرب
- Scheduling:
https://tawasolsms.com:8582/websmpp/websms? user=testUser&pass=12345&sid=Test&mno=966xxxxx&type=1 &text=testing Schedule &gmt=+0530&schtime=201605101422&resp=true
Note: The characters [ ] { } | \ ~ ^ will be counted twice. The characters & and # are restricted in message content.
Response Format
On Successful Submission (Default Format):
Response: 1507211343399277335
On Successful Submission (JSON Format):
On Successful Scheduling (resp=false):
Response: Total Message Scheduled -> 2
On Successful Scheduling (resp=true):
Response: ScheduleId: 2106221027444687393
On Failed (Possible Errors):
ERROR - HTTP01 --> Invalid HTTP URL Format
ERROR - HTTP02 --> Invalid query string
ERROR - HTTP03 --> Message Submission Failed
ERROR - HTTP04 --> Invalid Password
ERROR - HTTP05 --> Invalid System ID
ERROR - HTTP06 --> Invalid Sender ID
ERROR - HTTP07 --> Invalid Type
ERROR - HTTP08 --> Invalid Message ID
ERROR - HTTP09 --> Invalid Destination Address
ERROR - HTTP10 --> Invalid number of messages
ERROR - HTTP11 --> Requested service is unavailable
ERROR - HTTP12 --> Submit Failed
ERROR - HTTP13 --> Query request failed
ERROR - HTTP14 --> Bind failed
ERROR - HTTP15 --> Not Authorized for the request.
ERROR - HTTP16 --> Invalid Request
ERROR - HTTP17 --> Invalid Message Length
ERROR - HTTP20 --> Invalid ESM
ERROR - HTTP21 --> Invalid HEADER
ERROR - HTTP22 --> Invalid Schedule Time
ERROR - HTTP23 --> Routing Error
ERROR - HTTP24 --> Exceeded number of Destination
ERROR - HTTP25 --> No Record Found
ERROR - HTTP26 --> Account Expired
3.2-Status Enquiry
After Successful Submission, User can get Message Status via Following URL:
Resulting status would be one of them from the following table:
ATES | Pending |
DELIVRD | Delivered |
UNDELIV | Undelivered |
EXPIRED | Message Validity Period Expired |
REJECTD | Rejected |
ACCEPTD | Accepted |
DELETED | Deleted |
UNKNOWN | Unknown |
3.3-Balance Enquiry
After Successful Submission, User can get Message Status via Following URL:
- The parameters userid & password are mandatory. Failing any would result in a negative response.
3.4-Coverage Download
User can get Coverage via Following URL:
https://tawasolsms.com:8582/websmpp/downloadcoverage? userid=systemid&password=pwd&format=x
https://tawasolsms.com:8582/websmpp/downloadcoverage? accesskey=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&format=x
Format is optional parameter. If not specified the default format will be 1.
Requested Formats:
Value | Value Downloaded Format |
1 | XLS |
2 | |
3 | CSV |
3.5-Web DLR
User can get DLR via Provided Web Link. The URL for each client would look like ‘http://www.test.com/dlr/dlr.aspx’.The method used for posting delivery report onto the client’s URL is POST. After receiving DLR, the link must return Ok as acknowledgement.
The parameters appended to the URL would be as below:
Parameter | Description |
MessageId | Message Id provided on submission |
Source | Source Address |
Destination | Destination Number |
Status | Status of the Request (i.e. DELIVRD,UNDELIV,ATES) |
SubmitDate | Time of Submission (yyMMddHHmm) |
DoneDate | Time of Delivery Report Receiving( yyMMddHHmm ) |
BatchId | Batch Id As Immediate Response (for XML & JSON) |
3.6-DlrReport (XLSX)
DLR Report in XLSX format can be downloaded via below Web Link:
https://tawasolsms.com:8582/websmpp/api/dlrreport?accesskey=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx &from_date=20210821124545&to_date=20210821164545&is_content=1&sender=XYZ
Requested Parameters (mandatory):
Name | Description |
username | Provided Password |
from_date | Start Date (yyyyMMddHHmmss) |
to_date | End Date (yyyyMMddHHmmss) |
Requested Parameters (Optional):
Name | Description |
sender | Source Address(Numeric/Alphanumeric) |
Is_content | Default value is 0.Values can be 0 or 1. If content is needed value must be 1 |
3.7-Remove Schedule
User can remove Scheduled Batch via Following URL:
Users can Use Following Services via JSON API:
- Message Submission
- Status Enquiry
4.1 Message Submission: The URL used to post XML formatted data is:
Request Format Example[1]:
"campaign": {
"username": "testUser",
"password": "xx",
"format": "1",
"sender": "JSON-1",
"gsm": [
"text": "testing normal json api",
"type": "1"
"campaign": {
"accesskey": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"format": "1",
"sender": "JSON-1",
"gsm": [
"text": "testing normal json api",
"type": "1"
or (using configured group of address book)
"campaign": {
"username": "testUser",
"password": "xx",
"format": "1",
"sender": "JSON-1",
"group": [
"limit": "100",
"text": "testing normal json api",
"type": "1"
Request Format Example[2]:
"campaign": {
"username": "testUser",
"password": "xx",
"format": "2",
"type": "1",
"sender": "JSON-2",
"custom": [
"gsm": "919826321321",
"text": "testing message 1"
"gsm": "919589321322",
"text": "testing message 2"
Response: After Submission User will get Response as below:
"response": {
"batch_id": "0302201404163965268",
"status": "000"
batch_id is unique id and used to identify all the messages( on all gsm numbers) associated with this request.
Status will be 000 on successful Submission. For Other status please check the status Code table.
4.2 Status Enquiry: After Successful Submission, User can get Message Status via Following URL:
To Enquire the Status of Submissions, A specified format is Required as below:
"enquiry": {
"password": "xx",
"batch_id": "0302201420337911363",
"username": "testUser"
"enquiry": {
"accesskey": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"batch_id": "0302201420337911363"
Resulted Format: The Resulted JSON Format Will be as below:
"result": {
"batch_id": "0302201420337911363",
"report": [
"request_status": "000",
"dlr_status": "UNDELIV",
"messageid": "2002031420338711051",
"msisdn": "919826321321"
"request_status": "000",
"dlr_status": "DELIVRD",
"messageid": "2002031420338811061",
"msisdn": "919589321322"
Users can Use Following Services via XML API:
- Message Submission
- Status Enquiry
5.1 Message Submission: The URL used to post XML formatted data is:
Request Format Example[1]:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<campaign format="1">
<text>testing xml request via http</text>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<campaign format="1">
<text>testing xml request via http</text>
or (using configured group of address book)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<campaign format="1">
<text>testing xml request via http</text>
Request Format Example[2]:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SMS format="2">
<text>testing xml custom request 1 via http</text>
<text>testing xml custom request 2 via http</text>
<text>testing xml custom request 3 via http</text>
Response:After Submission User will get Response as below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
batch_id is unique id and used to identify all the messages( on all gsm numbers) associated with this request. Status will be 000 on successful Submission. For Other status please check the xml status Code table.
5.2 Status Enquiry: After Successful Submission, User can get Message Status via Following URL:
To Enquire the Status of Submissions, A specified format is Required as below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Resulted Format: The Resulted XML Format Will be as below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
6-Status Code
Status Code Table
This section Describes Status code returned while using api
Code | Name | Description |
000 | NO_ERROR | success |
001 | INVALID_LOGIN | Either System_id or password is invalid |
002 | INVALID_REQUEST | Required parameters are missing or Invalid parameters or invalid values of parameters |
003 | ACCOUNT_EXPIRED | Account has been Expired |
004 | INSUF_BALANCE | Insufficient balance |
005 | INVALID_DEST_ADDR | Invalid Destination Address |
006 | NO_COVERAGE | Requested Destination is not Allowed |
007 | SYSTEM_ERROR | System Error |
008 | INVALID_SENDER | Invalid Source Address |
009 | INVALID_TEXT | Invalid message content |
010 | INVALID_TYPE | Invalid Message Type |
050 | ACCESS_DENIED | Either Web Access Not Allowed or Account is Blocked |
051 | IOSTREAM_ERROR | Input Stream Error |
052 | INVALID_BATCHID | Invalid Batch Id (must be 15 digits) |
053 | NO_RECORDS | Records are not available for provided Batch Id |
060 | INVALID_AMOUNT | Invalid Amount For Recharge |
061 | INVALID_OPERATION | Invalid operation (must be plus or minus) |
062 | INVALID_BALANCE_MODE | Invalid mode (must be credit or wallet) |
063 | INVALID_TARGET_USER | Invalid target User to recharge |
064 | INVALID_API_ACCESS_IP | Access IP not valid |